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How to clean the pool and remove mud caused by rain from the bottom of the pool

There are various options for cleaning your pool. Fortunately, the Ceramic de Luxe pools are easy to clean, as their smooth surface prevents dirt from becoming encrusted.

Different ways to remove mud caused by rain, and any other kind of dirt, from the bottom of your pool

Manual cleaning of your pool:

All Ceramic de Luxe pools have an incorporated pool vacuum inlet which is located in the centre of a wall of the pool, at a reasonable height that allows you to connect the necessary equipment from outside the pool.

How do you start cleaning?

To clean the pool manually you will need a handheld pool vacuum that includes:

–       An adaptor for the aforementioned vacuum inlet

–       A self-floating hose at an appropriate distance according to the size of your pool

–       An aluminium telescopic pole

–       A special vacuum head to which the hose will be attached

Steps for cleaning the pool using a pool vacuum

If the pool contains mud caused by the rain, it is better to carefully clean the pool manually to make sure it is properly cleaned.

Remove the threaded protective cap on the pool vacuum inlet in the wall and connect the threaded adaptor to the inlet. Attach the vacuum head to the aluminium pole. Connect one end of the hose to the adaptor in the wall and the other end to the vacuum head and put it into the water.

Now go to the water purifier and, with the electric pump switched off, open the valve of the pool vacuum and close the drain valves and skimmer valve/s so that the full suction of water is at that point. Then switch on the electric pump and wait a few minutes until all the air in the floatation hose has been expelled.

After priming the pump, vacuum the bottom of the pool as you would your floor at home and check that all the debris has been sucked up. This debris will end up in the filter so, once you’ve finished vacuuming, we suggest rinsing it to wash all the dirt into the drain. This will make the filter more efficient and give you clearer pool water.

Automatic cleaning of your pool

Another option is to use an automatic robot, which will do the cleaning for you. You just put it into the pool and switch it on. There are many kinds of pool-cleaning robots on the market so we recommend speaking to a specialised company that will be able to advise you, since we’ve heard many complaints from customers who bought equipment that later didn’t work.

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